Sunday, March 4, 2012


I;m happy because I was with my mom when she was on her blog and she found out that Samuel got a family.My mom said,I think if he did not get a family they would ether put him in an institution or out on the streets.He had bad fingers and they would put him in an institution just because he had bad fingers that's just to stupid.But thank God he got a family. I don't now this kid but thank you God for giving him a family.And also his birthday was coming up and he would turn 16 and he would not stay at the orphanage. Who ever adopted him your bringing home someone that  I'm sure would thank you 1 million times.He is a healthy kid and smart and they would put him in the institution . I hate the people that makes the decision .Its just plan old stupid.



  1. I agree, Bella. It just doesn't make sense to put Samuel in an institution or out on the streets. I thank God for his family too! What a sweet heart you have.

    Mrs. W.

  2. We are thrilled to hear Samuel found his family!
